OK, first off - here's a picture of Roxy & me, as requested by my mother. Let me tell you that I now realize why I don't have any pictures of Shadow & I from when she was younger. Getting an easily-distracted dog to sit for a picture is one thing...trying to do a self-picture (and also use the ball as bait - yes, that's the ball she's looking at so adoringly, not me!)...well, I considered myself lucky to have us both even *in* the shot.
Other accomplishments for the weekend include:
- Converted my pc back to windows ~ Much as I hate admitting defeat, I must admit it's a relief to have everything *work* again without downloading random things and researching just about every tiny change. Luckily converting back was not as difficult as the switch over - and (now that it's over), I'm glad to know a little more about how linux works and open source software.
- Had a guest over ~I've started socializing Roxy a bit. Had success with visiting Becky the other week so on Friday Kristi graciously came over to see how Roxy did with visitors to the house. I had no idea how she would react so I scrupulously followed the advice from Patricia McConnell (an animal behaviorist who has written a number of *excellent* books on dog training). Seemed to work really well and by the end Roxy was snuggling up on the couch as we watched a movie.
- Avoided a bobcat encounter ~ Walking with Roxy at the Upper Tampa Bay Park on one of the nature trails (ironically, not the "bobcat trail" which is another option there), I first smelled the distinctive odor of cat marking which I thought at the time was odd so far away from houses. Then about 50 yards further down the path, we rounded a bend and something growled at us. (It sounded like "bobcat growl 5" if you want to hear it.) Funnily enough, Roxy didn't pay any attention but it made my neck prickle so I quickly turned around back the way we came. It continued to growl until we were quite some distance back. I still couldn't quite believe it but then later came across one of the rangers who said there are actually 3 of them that they see back in that area and that most likely the cat was just warning us away from a fresh kill. That park never fails to amaze me -- so amazingly wild and yet right off busy Hillsborough Ave.