Latest Project
Knitting caps (and if I can manage them, mittens) for the kids for xmas! Thought the first one turned out pretty well and it was easy & quick (only 2 evenings to make)

Roxy Update
She's settling in quite nicely -- It's hard to believe she hasn't always been here. And we've (finally) gotten into a routine that works for both of us: playtime for about 1/2 hr at a nearby park in the morning and then a long walk at night. Unfortunately, the dog park has been deserted (and creepy) at night since the time change so for the moment that is a treat reserved for weekends only. I'm planning to get her into agility with the next course opening. I think she'll really enjoy it - she really seems to love what we've done so far with Kathy and it's just so FUN to see how happy and proud of herself she is after she's figured out the tunnel or balance beam. I wish I had pictures of that but until then, this is her, hoping I'll get around to throwing the ball someday:

and a rare sleepy moment:

Vegas Trip
It was brought to my attention (thanks, Mom) that I have neglected to post regarding some things of significance that have occurred of late, namely . (I always used to find this was true for personal journals, as well - when things are going on, I don't have time and when they aren't, there's not much interesting to write about!) So here are some pictures from my recent trip with the girls to Vegas:
Becky, Tina & me
Finally, I have to show this funny dog that invariably meets Roxy & I are our evening walks. (There seem to be quite a few people in my neighborhood that firmly believe dogs should be allowed to roam free!) He's part German Shepherd which you can see in his face & long body but the rest is up for grabs. I couldn't get a good picture (holding a camera phone and a leash while 2 dogs are trying to play is...difficult! Unfortunately, the only time they stand still is when they're going through the sniffing ritual) but you can kind of get the gist. 

*I am taking a page from Kristi's book and renouncing titles. I always end up wasting time trying to think up of clever ones (which aren't!)
hey--did you put the little star up there as a title so you could click on it? i just wrote a post today but i didn't want to title it...then i couldn't figure out how to link without titling so i succumbed. :)
i miss you! it's been so long. and we live, what, 8 miles from each other? 10? not far. roxy is so cute, and so are those hats! can't wait to see you friday night!
Not so I could link - I just didn't like the (title unknown) that shows up when there's nothing :)
I'm really looking forward to seeing you too! I can tell how long it's been since we've really hung out by how big Rhys
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