
ah, the dreaded syllabus

What is it about that sheet of paper (or in this case about 10 sheets of paper!) that is so intimidating? I am looking over the course materials for the class I am taking this summer (Basic Information Sources and Services) and discovered that  (1) I have an assignment due already next week and (2) it is just as overwhelming as I remember.  I know it's just a matter of getting back into the rhythm of school - papers and reading massive amounts of information and scheduling, scheduling, scheduling. Just take a deep breath and take it one step at a time.

OK so looking it over again, it's not so bad. The grading seems to be divided fairly between a series of research projects, a couple of online quizzes, in-class exercises and a paper. I like that my entire grade won't rest on one single thing. And I also like that with this course, I will get a taste of both online learning (which seems to make up a significant part of the degree) and being in class. 

Still, I am glad that I have only the one class. The professor has included in the syllabus a warning that the class is "intensive" and will require a commitment of at least 15 hours a week! I think I may need to re-think my somewhat ambitious plans to complete a degree in a year...

It's good to be back!

1 comment:

Sam/Joanne said...

Does this mean we won't get to have the long phone talks any more?
Will the dogs suffer from lack of attention?
Is the time requirement a(15 hours/week usual or will all the courses be so intensive?