
garden therapy

So I am giving up on Ward's Case for Religion. Instead I've started in on Carl Sagan's The Varieties of Scientific Experience which has been absolutely amazing so far. [It is basically the transcripts from the Gifford Lecture series he did in 1985.] Practically every sentence feels as though it is saying the things that I have been trying to put into thought for years.

In an attempt to balance out this overemphasis on the
rational/logical, I am also going through The Artist's Way which I found to be so life-changing last summer. I think the "morning pages" are the real secret. Something about writing those thoughts down first thing in the morning helps me think through what I'm doing and what I want out of the day, life, work, etc. It does seem to be helping me to put out little roots of stability, I think.

I've also been doin
g a lot of work out in the garden which is always extremely therapeutic for me. Things are finally starting to recover from that freeze we had in January. I think I could spend hours observing the bugs & butterflies, listening to the birds and just marveling at the way things develop and grow.

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