
ethical eating

A friend of mine jokes every time we go to a place like Chipotle where they advertise that their meat was raised humanely: "Yeah, right up until they kill it." I've been thinking about this concept quite a bit lately as I've been reading Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma. In it he goes through 4 different food paths: (1) the predominant highly-processed & circuitous path that most food travels nowadays from the corn field to our stomachs, (2) commercialized organic, as represented by Whole Foods, etc, (3) local & more true-to-the-original-intent organic and finally (4) hunted/gathered.

Can't say there were any shocking revelations (having been friends with Audrey for well over a year now!), but it was difficult to get through the first section and its detailed descriptions of the unnatural living conditions (torture, really) that CAFO animals are put through. What is most infuriating is how industrialized agriculture has made food like this seem "normal" while cows & chickens raised in pastures are suddenly "organic" and have to be sought out with great difficulty & expense. I do wish that I had the resources (and personal...fortitude) to undertake creating something similar to the "grass farm" that Pollan describes up on the land in PA. Would be so ideal had I the wherewithal, both monetarily & mentally.

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