
better than wii fit

Aside from the expected benefits of getting a dog (companionship, etc), the introduction of Roxy into my life is doing wonders for my fitness level as well. Since we're still in the "getting-to-know-each-other" phase and I'm not sure how she will behave around other people or dogs, I haven't taken her to a dog park for the best exercise around - playing with other dogs. So we have been walking & walking & walking (and walking & walking...). At least an hour in the morning and around 2 hrs at night seems to do the trick. Side benefits include exploring all the area parks & the Upper Tampa Bay Trail, as well as my own neighborhood and I've had the best sleep I've had in years I think.

Here she is after this morning's walk. This was *supposed* to be a picture, btw, of her passed out next to me on the floor but of course as soon as I moved, she was up & ready to go some more!

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