
I am feeling overwhelmed right about now. Came home to find that Romeo had done his best to escape from the bathroom as well. Bathroom floor & walls peppered with black dog hair and paint chips and pools of water everywhere. Door and door jamb all scratched up. It looks as though he becomes frenzied and was throwing himself around. What am I going to do with this dog?

To add to all of this, I took them to the new dog park thinking to at least give them some real play time before going out to dinner with Lantie. Fine for a while but then this annoying little dog started barking like mad at Roxy and would not stop. She finally got fed up and got into a little tiff with him. So I pulled her off, no damage done and took her outside the park to "cool off" for a bit. I returned to the big dog park just as two girls walked up with their dog. They were following us in but of course the annoying barking dog was right on top of us and squeezed his way out in between us. The owner starts yelling at me because his stupid dog has escaped. (Not far, he managed to catch the dog about 2' outside the gate.) It is a stupid set up for a dog park. Every other one I've ever been to has a staging area of sorts where you put on/take off leashes and generally just prevents that same scenario from happening but still, he was very rude - which I guess I should've expected after the rude behavior from his dog!

I promptly left the park and on the way home started crying. I know it's most likely just a cumulative reaction to the sleepless week, time stresses, worrying about Romeo, etc but still, it made me even more angry with myself that I let that stupid jerk's behavior get to me like that.

So now I have no idea what to do tonight with Romeo. Should I call & cancel? I would feel like a torturer leaving him in the bathroom again (not to mention the further damage to the door). I guess it'll have to be the crate since at least he only seems to scratch his nose there. Hopefully I won't be gone long enough to cause a problem tonight.

1 comment:

kristi said...

oh no! i was just about to ask you if you want to come over and hang out at our house tonight for a while, but then i realized "oh yeah, that means leaving her dogs at home again..."

anyway, the offer is open if you want it.

and marley also tore up all the carpet, foam padding, and almost the plywood UNDER everything in the apartment where we lived when we first adopted him. he also ate holes just big enough to jump through baby gates we strategically set up to keep him restricted to certain areas. he pooped and peed all over our bed once, we are guessing just to let us know he was REALLY pissed off that we left him at home alone...he also ate one shoe and a pillow of a guy who kept him for a weekend while we went out of town. we had to pay over $100 to replace those doc martens...oy vay.

i know you probably don't want to hear what the vet did for him, but they put him on clomiqualm or something like that. it's basically a doggy xanax pill. he was diagnosed with separation anxiety. we hated giving him the pills, but it really did help him cope with us leaving him at home alone. and eventually he grew out of it because the vet's theory (which i think was right on) was that when he had been with us long enough, he would realize we weren't abandoning him.

we also learned that most dogs do all the damage they have done (like the bathroom water, floorboards, etc.) within the first 10 minutes of you leaving. that's when they are saying "don't leave me! don't leave me!"

i guess you could always call the dog whisperer too...

let me know if you want to come over tonight. hugs.