
Makeover Progress

Here's my current status on the TMMO (Total Money Makeover). The teeny percentage that still runs into the zero is a bit discouraging but I've called off the re-fi so I'm looking forward to starting in really hardcore on this now. I'm thinking it will be good to go by percentage markers since the student loan makes up 70% of the total and all the "easy wins" are going to be loaded up here in the next few months (I hope!) Boy, do I wish I could go back in time and not get those things to begin with. I swear they never seem to decrease!

I'd decided to reward myself at each payoff so i might need to add in rewards at the 50% and 75% markers too, just to keep myself going...


Sam/Joanne said...

Sometimes patience does get rewarded. After checking this blog site every day for months I'm glad to see an addition.
You know we are praying for you in this endeavor. Mom

kristi said...

i love your blog header photo! what a great shot. i'm all for rewarding ourselves for good behavior! :) see you soon.