
Media Fast

I have begun to read the fourth chapter in The Artist's Way - and so the clock begins to tick. You see I was warned by a poster on 43 Things that the 4th week contains a ban on reading. Yes, ironically enough, an *author* asks you not to *read* for one full week. The rationalization behind this ban is that reading is used by artists as a tranquilizer to escape and that by removing the distraction, we allow ourselves to participate in the sensory world. Cameron also encourages banning or limiting other media distractions as well such as movies, radio, television and the like so that is my plan. I have decided that music is the one medium I will allow myself.

Even before the fast begins, I have already begun to notice how addicted to reading I really am. I have been putting it off with the lamest of excuses ("I just need to finish this
one book" or "I cannot possibly keep this movie out of circulation for another entire week") so soon I will bite the bullet. Honestly, going without food or even water for a week seems more do-able at this point. I don't believe I have gone an entire week without reading since I first began to read. This will certainly be a test of willpower if nothing else.

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